January 7, 2021

Mediaite reports that Lou Dobbs is just beside himself because the Capitol police dared to pull guns on the armed, violent protesters:

To reiterate, a large, violent mob of Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol Building and raided the House and Senate chambers. There was an armed standoff at the House chamber doors at one point.

Pergram explained, “They were trying to protect hundreds of members who were inside the chamber, frankly trying to…”

Dobbs actually jumped in and said, “I’m not asking you to speak for them. I’m asking you did they explain why they drew their guns.”

Pergram said there was no official statement, but again added, “You just don’t have security breaches like that.”

Dobbs remarked at one point, “Just as the country is dealing with trying to constrain lethal force, that would be a poor time to suggest that Capitol Hill police should draw their weapons on American citizens, most of whom are patriots.” (emphasis ours)

Can you even imagine the conniption fit Dobbs would have had if he saw how the cops were dealing with the mob of thugs after curfew:

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