'Go Ahead And Spread It': Speaker At DC Rally Leads Group Hug At 'Mass-Spreader Event'
Credit: Twitter Screenshot
January 6, 2021

A speaker at a pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C. encouraged mask-free protesters to hug each other while bragging that it was a "mass-spreader event" on Tuesday.

The so-called "Prayer to Save America" protest was part of a larger "Stop the Steal" effort to overturn President Donald Trump's 2020 election loss.

"Turn the person next to him and give him a hug, someone you don't know," the speaker said. "Go hug somebody. Go ahead and spread it out, mass spreader. It's a mass-spreader event! It's a mass-spreader event! It's a mass-spreader event!"

"There you go. Hug it out!" he added. "I'm married but if you want to give me a hug too, you can do that."

The protest is expected to increase in size before Congress meets to accept the results of the Electoral College on Wednesday.

Watch the video below.

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