December 14, 2020

In a televised address to the nation, President-elect Joe Biden is expected to call for a unified fight to defeat the coronavirus pandemic and move forward in unity after the Electoral College confirmed his and Kamala Harris' election. Here's California putting Biden over the top:

According to the transition, Biden will call for people to live up to the principles of democracy, while calling out the current efforts to rip it out from under us and install an autocrat. Here is one excerpt released in advance:

If anyone didn’t know it before, we know it now. What beats deep in the hearts of the American people is this: Democracy.

The right to be heard. To have your vote counted. To choose the leaders of this nation. To govern ourselves.

In America, politicians don’t take power — the people grant it to them.

The flame of democracy was lit in this nation a long time ago. And we now know that nothing — not even a pandemic —or an abuse of power — can extinguish that flame.

And a promise to move on and unify to defeat the deadly pandemic and bolster the economy before it all collapses.

In this battle for the soul of America, democracy prevailed.

We the People voted. Faith in our institutions held. The integrity of our elections remains intact.

And so, now it is time to turn the page. To unite. To heal.

As I said through this campaign, I will be a president for all Americans. I will work just as hard for those of you who didn’t vote for me, as I will for those who did.

There is urgent work in front of all of us. Getting the pandemic under control to getting the nation vaccinated against this virus. Delivering immediate economic help so badly needed by so many Americans who are hurting today — and then building our economy back better than ever.

Watch with us and leave your thoughts in the comments. His remarks are expected to begin at 7:30 pm EST/4:30 PM Pacific. They may not start right on time but hang with us until they start.

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