December 15, 2020

At today's press conference, Kayleigh McEnany was determined to work Rep. Eric Swalwell and Hunter Biden in to her Closing Of The Binder Grand Finale, no matter what the topic of the question was. She had it ALL lined up and rehearsed, with statistics, slides, chorus girls in the was impressive!

When she took the final question, which was about Iran, mind you, she managed to turn it into a referendum on the press not covering Swalwell and Hunter Biden. First, though, she made sure to infuse her answer to the Iran question with plenty of lies as well. Lies that propped up Trump, and special ones that denigrated Barack Obama. Here are a few of those highlights:

  • Trump has isolated Iran "through four peace deals, which is four more than his predecessor." (Those weren't "peace deals." And read more here about the REAL stumbling block to U.S. participation in international peace treaties during Obama's two terms.)

Then she pivoted awkwardly to the press not paying any attention to this non-story about Swalwell having been connected with a Chinese woman who was alleged to be a spy years ago. (Maybe because once the FBI informed him, he immediately ceased all contact with her, and cooperated fully with the FBI.) Who did Swalwell think he was, getting involved with investigating the impeachment hoax?

She listed all the things Swalwell said (that were, actually, indeed true) — Trump's team had ties to Russia; Trump was eager to work with Russians during the election; Trump acts on Russia's behalf, or in their interest; Trump has a compromised relationship with Russia — but McEnany insisted all those statements were categorically false. (Insert raised eyebrow here.)

McEnany then rolled out all the familiar lazy GOP hits: Hoax, Media, Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden taxes, CNN, Russia Collusion Hoax, Impeachment Sham, complete with slides and statistics citing how many minutes and seconds each news station had devoted to Swalwell and Hunter Biden (NOT ENOUGH, OBVIOUSLY) compared to Trump's impeachment (WAY TOO MUCH, YOU MEANIES!)

She ended by stating that Hunter Biden's taxes are under investigation, and snarked as she closed her binder, "Interesting turn of events, and good for those who covered what was the story all along, and not Russia disinformation."

It was THEN that Jim Acosta asked, "Isn't it hypocritical for you to accuse others of disinformation when you spread it every day?"

I'm sure McEnany was envisioning her final line as the mic drop moment, but bravo to Jim Acosta for making it his own. After sitting through five minutes (hell, how many MONTHS?) of her full-on bullsh*t, he earned that last word.

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