It's Pardonpalooza At The White House!
December 2, 2020

It looks like the most coveted Christmas gift from Donald Trump this year will be a blanket presidential pardon. The New York Times is reporting that Trump has discussed pardons for not only Rudy Giuliani, but also for his 3 eldest children and his son-in-law.

What federal crimes would any of them needed to be pardoned from? Any pardons for Guiliani would surely raise questions about whether he is using them to obstruct investigations. And his children - my god. Why? What have they done (or does he fear they did) that could lead to charges that he would have to protect them from? Is he worried that an incoming Biden administration Attorney General could discover serious federal crimes committed while he was in office?

Reports are that Trump discussed these blanket pardons with aides as of last week. And the rate at which he has been dismantling norms and destroying our country, it would not be shocking to see him set off a bunch of legal bombshells in his last weeks, just to piss everyone off. Interestingly, he is not concerned about protecting his other eldest child, Tiffany. She has kept herself out of White House affairs and focused on her law degree, so she probably didn't do any criming.

The same cannot (probably) be said for Ivanka, Don Jr, Eric and Jared Kushner.

There are concerns about statements and testimony given during the Mueller investigation. There are also serious issues raised during security clearance investigations for Ivanka and Jared Kushner. It is unclear what Don Jr or Eric did, but who knows what has gone on with that family. There are ongoing investigations in New York State regarding the Trump Organization, shady tax dealings and "consulting fees" paid to Ivanka. But a *federal* pardon would not help them with *state* investigations. In fact, accepting a pardon for federal charges that are in line with the state charges would actually put them in a more precarious legal position, possibly.

It is unclear what legal trouble Rudy needs protection from, but he was recently under investigation for shady dealings with Ukraine.

Just a reminder that on Monday night, FOX News Host Sean Hannity actually advised Donald Trump to pardon his entire family, saying: “If Biden ever became president, I’d tell Trump pardon yourself and pardon your family."

In the pardon itself, Trump would have to explain what crimes were committed. So it would be interesting to see what he claims Rudy did, specifically, especially since it could lead to State charges in New York.

And, of course, there is the question of a SELF pardon, which everyone fully expects Donald Trump to issue. Literally acting as his own judge and jury and determining that he is the most innocent man in the world, the biggest victim of the worst witch hunt in the history of the world, even counting the ACTUAL Salem Witch Trials.

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