December 24, 2020

As we were mulling over the best and worst of 2020 for our Crookie awards, it occurred to us that January was so long ago that media forgot that Donald Trump is a forever-impeached president, even if the Senate held nothing more than a show trial with no witnesses or evidence.

This moment had to be one of the best, when Senator Kamala Harris forced Chief Justice Roberts to read Trump's Access Hollywood comments into the record, a first in the Senate's history.

Of course, VP-Elect Harris has shown us that she is a woman of firsts, whether it's a moment in an impeachment trial or being the first Black and South Asian woman to win on a national ticket.

VP-Elect Harris is our Glass Ceiling Breaker Good Guy Crookie Award recipient. Now sit back and watch how she skillfully put Trump's misogynistic moment into the Congressional record for ever and ever.


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