December 20, 2020

Fox News host Chris Wallace took a shot at his own network on Sunday after conservative pundits suggested that future First Lady Jill Biden does not deserve the title of "doctor."

Wallace made the remarks during an interview with Jen Psaki, an adviser to President-elect Joe Biden.

"There has been some criticism recently from conservatives, including some conservatives on Fox News about the fact that First Lady-to-be Jill Biden goes by the title doctor," the Fox News host told Psaki. "I wonder what is the Biden's reaction to that, especially given the fact that so many people over the years -- I think of Dr. Henry Kissinger, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King -- have gone by the title doctor, even though they're not medical doctors and nobody have seems to have made a fuss about that."

Psaki called the criticism "perplexing."

"With thousands of people dying every day of COVID, millions out of work, that anyone would wake up in the morning and decide that the focus they need to have, the way they can contribute to society that day is to question whether or not Dr. Jill Biden -- someone who is still teaching, who has a Ph.D in education -- should be called doctor or not," Psaki said. "Of course, she should. As anyone who works through that challenging process of getting a Ph.D."

"It's a really silly, sexist and absurd conversation that's happening a bit in society," she added.

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