November 28, 2020

The decision, by Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephanos Bibas, was described by The New York Times as “blistering” and a “a complete repudiation” of Trump’s effort to halt the certification of Pennsyvlania’s certification of its votes for Joe Biden.

Reporter Jessica Snyder had a similar assessment on CNN, when she discussed it with anchor Brooke Baldwin on Friday.

SNYDER: This is yet another take down, wholeheartedly, Brooke, from federal court. … So far, [the Trump campaign’s] track record is abysmal. To take you back, this is the case that Rudy Giuliani argued in court just about two weeks ago, and that shortly thereafter, the claims were completely rejected by a federal judge out of Pennsylvania. He took the Trump campaign, all their arguments out, line by line. And now the Third Circuit out of Philadelphia doing the same as to this case. …

This court saying the campaign's claims have no merit, the number of ballots it specifically challenges is far smaller than the roughly 81,000 vote margin of victory and it never claims fraud or that any votes were cast by illegal voters. And that's been the big problem here, Brooke, is that the Trump campaign, their legal team, they have repeatedly filed lawsuits all over the country, but most specifically in Pennsylvania, as one of those key battleground states.

And they have continually alleged all kinds of wild allegations of fraud. But the problem is, as these judges repeatedly pointed out, there's never evidence to back up claims. And that's what the lower court, district court has said in this case, And now the circuit court, federal appellate court in Pennsylvania saying that look, Trump campaign, you haven't backed up any of your wild speculation with any real evidence here.

So the Trump campaign yet again getting taken down by a federal court.

The Trump campaign is now vowing to take their case to the U.S. Supreme Court:

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