November 25, 2020

Donald Trump and his Elite Strike Force of Rudy "drippy hair dye" Giuliani and Jenna "micropenis" Ellis are still whining about Trump winning the election, claiming that he won Virginia and Pennsylvania, even though there is zero evidence to back up this assertion. In fact, they have lost nearly every single court case they have filed in a dozen states - I think the score is 1-35. But who's counting...

Oh, Marc Elias is counting:

Here is the start of the Airing of Grievances in Gettysburg, PA:

First, he claims (baselessly) that Biden won VA by only 1%.

Wrong. Biden won VA by 10%.

One of the best witnesses shows his poll watcher certificate, I guess as some proof that he actually watched ballots be counted? I don't know.

Another witness calls in and is upset that she didn't get a printout of her vote. First she or her son say she is 84. Then they realize she is only 80. If they don't know how old she is, how can they verify her voting experience?

Trump calls in and a phone is held up to a microphone so he can rant about his amazing win. He is delusional.


I guess the 35 judges - and State Supreme Courts and Appeals Court panels of judges - were not the "right" kinds of judges? What are they trying to accomplish with this ridiculous whinefest? The election was certified. Joe Biden won. There is nothing to debate and nothing to overturn. Joe Biden is the President Elect and Donald Trump is the biggest loser. He needs to put his big boy pants on and accept this.

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