“So the allegations here are complete nonsense. Who knows why Republicans are entertaining this?” the comedian said.
November 16, 2020

John Oliver devoted the season finale of Last Week Tonight to Trump's refusal to acknowledge he lost the election. Via Deadline:

“Trump is playing a dangerous game here,” said Oliver. “There’s a huge difference between ‘not my president’ and ‘not the president’.” He goes on to say that people who are getting riled up have been fed a steady diet of misinformation from outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, OAN and Trump himself.

Oliver said that despite all of this, deep down, Trump knows it’s over. On Friday, the final states were called putting Biden at 306 total electoral votes and Trump at 232. At a press conference after this news was released, Trump nearly acknowledged reality, saying that whatever administration takes the White House, his administration won’t call for a lockdown.

“Trump lost this election and he knows it,” stated Oliver. “Just an hour after that press conference, he was retweeting voter fraud conspiracy theories again which is pathetic, dangerous and in many ways an appropriate coda to a presidency that has destroyed so many lives — not only of those who he has attacked but also of those who he has claimed to protect.”

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