The Meet The Press host excoriated Trump and Rudy Giuliani for making the writers' jobs at SNL so easy. Oh, and causing the downfall of America.
November 19, 2020

Meet the Press Daily host Chuck Todd opened his Thursday program by proclaiming that we are witnessing the fall of America, because though COVID cases are exploding, today is the first time in months we are having a coronavirus task force briefing.

The MSNBC host opened his show by making a stunning announcement.

"That members of the White House coronavirus task force will be allowed to hold an actual public briefing this afternoon. This is the first time they've done this since July," Todd said.

Trump's focus, as Todd later said, was to act out Saturday Night Live skits starring Rudy Giuliani, in order to sow doubt and discontent among Trump's supporters about Joe Biden's overwhelming victory.

"As the weather gets colder, and the leaves are falling, and winter approaches, we’re experiencing the fall of America. And, yes, the pun was intended.”

Chuck Todd said that Trump has made no mention of the virus, "while more than 1,200 Americans are dying every day."

Are you surprised COVID-19 is exploding across the country? There's been no leadership from Trump, who has been hiding in the basement after losing the 2020 election.

He has no will to curb the tide of infections or deaths, but he's supercharged to promote phony election fraud cases on his Twitter account, while his personal daily schedule remains blank.

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