November 7, 2020

A bit of fun after an exhausting election. Let the national catharsis begin.

Filmmaker John Handem Piette seems to have done the honors.

Source: Too Fab

Democrats, Assemble!

That's the rallying cry in a truly wild new fan edit of the climax of "Avengers: Endgame," one which dropped online today with an Election twist.

The footage shows a final showdown between Joe Biden's Captain America and Donald Trump's Thanos, with Cap getting much-needed backup from every Avenger imaginable at the last second.

Stepping in for Anthony Mackie as Falcon is Kamala Harris, whose "Excuse me, Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking" is heard over Biden's ear-piece before Doctor Strange's portals start to open around him.

The first to emerge: Stacey Abrams as Okoye, Barack Obama as Black Panther and Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms as Shuri.

Also among the cameos: Bernie Sanders as Doctor Strange, Pete Buttigieg as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren and Beto O'Rourke as the Guardians of the Galaxy, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as Captain Marvel, Nancy Pelosi as Wasp and Greta Thunberg in Gwyneth Paltrow's Rescue suit.

Some reactions, even from The Hulk himself.

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