‘We’re Coming Guns Loaded, Packed’ To Confirm Barrett, Says Mississippi Senator
Credit: Photo courtesy U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith
October 10, 2020

Hyde-Smith has a history of putting her foot in her mouth by saying stupid and outlandish things, just to appeal to the worst qualities of Republican voters. It's not folksy, and it's not funny. Mississippi is tired of her clown show, and she could very well lose to Democrat Mike Espy an infinitely better choice, in a state that Trump carried by nearly twenty percent in 2016. And if that happens next month it would be a hell of a thing to put on her resume, likely ending her political career. Here's hoping.

Source: Mississippi Free Press

The day before President Donald Trump announced Amy Coney Barrett as his U.S. Supreme Court pick, U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith said Republican senators would come with “guns loaded” and “packed” to ensure the president’s nominee is confirmed.

“You can expect anything possible in the tactics that (Democrats) can come up with” to delay the vote, the senator from Mississippi told American Family Radio Host Tony Perkins on his Washington Watch radio program on Sept. 25. AFR, a branch of the Tupelo, Miss.-based American Family Association, later uploaded the interview to SoundCloud.

The senator told Perkins, whose organization the Southern Poverty Law Center calls a hate group, that “it wouldn’t surprise (her) at all” if Democrats try to stop Republicans from confirming Barrett before the election.

“We’re coming guns loaded, packed, ready to be there and prepared to take whatever they throw at us,” Hyde-Smith said.

The senator’s remark, which the Mississippi Free Press is the first to report, comes amid a number of violent incidents nationwide, including from white supremacist organizations and militia groups—like the one whose plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor the FBI foiled this week.

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