October 5, 2020

Trump's "personal attorney" and purveyor of propaganda told Fox and Friends Sunday (yeah) that he talked with Trump that morning.

Giuliani insisted that Trump "sounded like his old self again" and was ready for action.

Giuliani joined the B team of Fox and Friends and chirped like an idiot as always.

Giuliani said, "He feels like he could go out now. He said he felt pretty bad the first day but now he feels, for the last 24 hours, that was 3:00 yesterday, he felt perfectly fine."

Any American that gets COVID goes into a two-week quarantine period and then needs to be tested negative to be able to resurface again.

"No fever, a little tired but not very tired. For him to be a little tired is nothing. So i foresee, I had several friends that have been through this, some much worse, they have gotten through, they're fine now, he is probably the strongest and healthiest guy I know anywhere near his age."

Covid doesn't go away like some stuffy nose, like Rudy suggests.

Trump's doctors admitted that they gave him oxygen Friday and Saturday so the idea that he's almost completely healthy is ridiculous and an affront the American people.

And if you saw him in his video release on Saturday he looked haggard, exhausted, with big bags under his eyes and a walking dead zombie skin tone.

Being obese is not a model of health as any doctor would tell you, Rudy.

The idea that cultist sycophants must insist that Trump is some sort of iron man gladiator is beyond the pale during a serious situation like this.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, serious people have tried to alert the American people to the severity of it. This administration took the low road and politicized protection from the virus, to the detriment of the American people.

Rudy was asked how he was feeling and he said he tested two days ago and will be tested till Monday -- which is not smart at all.

Then he explained the F&F crew he felt okay even though Chris Christie was on his right and Kellyanne Conway was on his left for over four hours for two days straight while Trump was in front of him.

He should be quarantining himself immediately.

Meidas Touch released this video yesterday about Rudy's lies and projection.

But rules and help guidelines do not seem to apply the Trump campaign.

As Jake Tapper correctly explains: Trump Has Become A Symbol Of His Own Failures

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