It's the "Any Lung Damage?" Edition.
Green Eagle on certain drug side effects.
Spreading The Word and The Virus: Another evangelical gets it.
If you don't read Buttermilk Sky every day, w/ or w/o my prompting, you should. Sunday's was good too, & she (I think) always has the light touch we can use in these trying times. (And if I see the phrase "these trying times" once more, I'm going to explode or something. Enough w/ the clichés already!!)
El Jefe at Juanita Jean's notes that DJTJ thinks Daddy's getting a little loony, but the other spawn don't notice.
Can we find a bonus? Sure. P.M. Carpenter on W.H. Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows.
By M. Bouffant. Tips & such to: