Rachel Maddow's interview with Michael Cohen about his book 'Disloyal' is packed with bombshells about Trump, Trump's business, and Putin.
September 8, 2020

Rachel Maddow's interview with Michael Cohen about his book 'Disloyal' has bombshells about Trump, Trump's business, and Putin. Former fixer Michael Cohen did the president's dirty work for years, and his stories do not disappoint! Here are a few (of the many) highlights from Maddow's exclusive interview with Michael Cohen:

"Trump never thought he was going to win this election, he actually did not want to win this election ... this was a branding deal. That's all that the presidential campaign started out as, this was a branding opportunity in order to expand worldwide."

"I want to be clear to you and to the viewers and everybody: Nothing happens without Mr. Trump's approval at the Trump Organization. To the same extent, nothing happens without President Trump's approval. He micromanaged everything."

"If he loses, there's still the time between the election and the time that the next president would take office. During that time, my suspicion is that he will resign as president, he will allow Mike Pence to take over and he will have Mike Pence pardon him."

A few other nuggets of gold from the interview:

  • Cohen speaks to Jerry Falwell and his wife on a regular basis. They are legit friends
  • On Trump's orders, Cohen smeared Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz in the National Enquirer
  • Fox News anchor Sean Hannity sucked up to Donald Trump in a BIG way
  • Trump is obsessed with and hates Obama, he's what Trump wishes he could be (see video above)

Finally, Cohen says the power has gone to Trump's head and that he absolutely wants to be President for life". YIKES!

Michael Cohen is believable and he comes across as a sympathetic witness. The former fixer seems at peace and looks ten years younger.

Ed. Note: If you missed the show, you can download the podcast of the entire interview at Apple Podcasts or via your favorite podcast app.

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