Maddening as it is, there's probably no way to stop Moscow Mitch from putting Coathanger Coney on the Supreme Court. Our only remedy now is to vote in not only Biden but a big enough House and Senate majority to enlarge the Court next year -- and keep the pressure on them to make sure they get it done.
Crazy Eddie: How can the stock market be doing so well while the real economy is in the toilet?
Octoberfarm: "Trump paid $130,000 to screw Stormy Daniels and only $750 to screw America."
The Immoral Minority: Vote early -- almost a million already have. The election isn't approaching, it's already under way.
John Pavlovitz: For real "values voters", Biden is the choice.
Bonus link: Get your face masks here and support the Navajo.
Blog round-up by Infidel753. To recommend a post, send the link to mbru [at] crooksandliars [dot] com -- I do check it!