Facebook promotes the most incendiary right wing liars to prominent positions in order to spread a pandemic of conspiracies to the American people.
Facebook Continues Censorship Of Liberals And Democrats While Promoting Republicans
Credit: William Iven/Unsplash
September 24, 2020

Conservatives have been complaining bitterly that Facebook and other social media companies only censor and erase their views, but the facts show they are ones being exalted to the stratosphere while Liberals are shown the door.

The crying, whining and howling of conservative censorship echoes throughout Fox News and every right wing outlet on a 24-hour continuous whine cycle that never lets up.

It's been going on since Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew attacked the "liberal " press by trying to lie their way out of Watergate and has never stopped.

The term "snowflake" best exemplifies their phony conservative outrage but they fundraise the hell out of it and make a lot of con men rich. Meanwhile, it has made its way to the Trump cultists, amplified by conservative purveyors of AM hate talk radio.

Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are the big companies that conservatives attack daily.

The idiot from Sacramento, Rep Devin Nunes actually sued Twitter over what he perceived to be slights against his fragile ego.

Trump even signed another asinine Executive Order targeting social media after his vile lies were finally flagged by Twitter:

President Donald Trump signed an executive order targeting social media companies on Thursday, days after Twitter called two of his tweets "potentially misleading."

But when you look at the numbers on Facebook they tell a different story completely.

CBS reported that, "Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said he believes the platform "should enable as much expression as possible," and that social media companies "shouldn't be the arbiter of truth of everything that people say online."

Mark Zuckerberg even hired Tucker Carlson's website The Daily Caller as a fact checker for the mega site.

But in reality the only people benefiting from Facebook's algorithms are conservatives and right wing cranks like Dan Bongino and Ben Shapiro.

You want facts? I'll give you facts via Facebook's Top 10

This has hurt C&L badly as well as many left wing outlets for years now.

The excuse we hear is that they are readjusting their algorithms to better serve their audiences, but in essence they promote the most incendiary liars from the right to prominent positions and allow dweebs and scoundrels like Ben Shapiro game their company at will.

The proof is in the pudding, folks. And the Top 10.

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