September 14, 2020

This has been in the works for months. The Biden campaign has put together a "major new legal operation" that includes two former solicitor generals and hundreds of lawyers in the largest election protection program we've seen. Biden officials say they will protect the integrity of an election that's under attack by Trump. Via the New York Times:

The new operation will be overseen by Dana Remus, who has served as Mr. Biden’s general counsel on the 2020 campaign, and Bob Bauer, a former White House counsel during the Obama administration who joined the Biden campaign full-time over the summer as a senior adviser.

Inside the campaign, they are creating a “special litigation” unit, which will be led by Donald B. Verrilli Jr. and Walter Dellinger, two former solicitors general, who are joining the campaign. Hundreds of lawyers will be involved, including a team at the Democratic law firm Perkins Coie, led by Marc Elias, which will focus on the state-by-state fight over vote casting and counting rules. And Eric H. Holder Jr., the former attorney general in the Obama administration, will serve as something of a liaison between the campaign and the many independent groups involved in the legal fight over the election, which is already raging in the courts.

“We can and will hold a free and fair election this fall and be able to trust the results,” Ms. Remus said in an interview.

Mr. Bauer, who was general counsel on both of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns, said the operation would be “far more sophisticated and resourced” than those during past campaigns.

Just want to say that, as one of my lawyer friends points out, under the worst-case scenario, Republican state legislators could decide to certify only the Trump electors for the electoral college, so be sure to donate to your state Democratic party this year and help keep Republicans out of the majority.

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