August 18, 2020

Chris Wallace praised Michelle Obama’s DNC speech last night, saying “she really flayed, sliced and diced Donald Trump.”

(Oh, Chris. You really know how to hurt a giant Mango's feelings.)

Dana Perino, who was also on the panel, gave the former first lady props. She called her message "direct and authentic."

“You got the sense when you talk about authenticity, she has it in spades. She has that voice, she has clarity, and she knows what she is out there wanting to do,” she said.

“She was trying to get everybody to really focus, and then she had a call to action: 'Ask for your ballot tonight.' I think that the DNC, if they look over the course of the night, the first virtual convention of our history, I think they would say that Michelle Obama stuck the landing.”

Chris Wallace pointed out that because Obama is not a fan of politics, this was her main contribution to the Biden campaign.

“It was a heck of a contribution,” he noted.

“She really flayed, sliced and diced Donald Trump, talking about the chaos and confusion and lack of empathy, especially coming from this president and this White House, spoke more about the deficits of Donald Trump than the pluses of Joe Biden, but did talk about especially, not so much policies, but especially his empathy and what he has been through and his care for average Americans.”

Well, yes. She did. And it rang like a bell throughout America.

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