On a goodwill stop at a firehouse, Joe Biden handled a Trump fan standing on the top of his truck with savage humor.
Joe Biden Dunks On MAGA Heckler — 'Don't Jump!'
Credit: Twitter Screenshot
September 1, 2020

Darn that Joe Biden — he keeps poking holes in Trump's theory that he's lost a step!

While making a stop at a firehouse to deliver pizza to firefighters, he noticed a Trumper across the street screaming some nonsense at him. Biden put his hand out towards him and said, completely deadpanning, "Don't jump!" Then turned around and kept walking with dinner for the firefighters.

Twitter looooooooved it, gifting the event with two hashtags: #DontJump and #BidenCalm.

People were asking for a picture of the heckler to see how high his truck was...

Yeah, we're not too worried about Joe Biden's mental capacity.

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