August 13, 2020

During Wednesday's press conference (aka MAGA Rally), Donald Trump confirmed exactly what we have suspected all along - he is intentionally withholding much needed funds for the Post Office as a means of preventing people from successfully voting by mail. HE LITERALLY GAVE THE GAME AWAY.

Here is a bit of what he said:

They want $3.5 billion for universal mail-in voting for the country when we have hundreds of millions of voters. Now they want to take the countrywide mail-in voting. It's going to be the greatest fraud in the history of elections. When you always talk about Russia, Russia, Russia and China, Iran on voting, your biggest problem is gonna be with the Democrats, not with China, Russia and Iran...the biggest problem will be with the Democrats, but now the Democrats want $3.5 billion. Think of it. But now that they're unwilling to approve a bill that gives all of that money, and of course we would never approve an amount like, that and they also want $25 billion dollars additional for the post office, $25 billion for the post office, so the post office can handle the vast amount of ballots that are being sent at random from all over the place. They have no idea where they're going.

So, they want $25 billion, and think of this they want $3.5 billion and would you say that's enough to cover it? I think we can do it for less. But they want $25 billion for the post office because of this, and remember the new man who is a great person and a great businessman just got there a little while ago. The post office has been run poorly for many many decades. Great people in the post office, incredible people, but they have had very bad leadership for many years so we will get straightened out but they turned down this bill because they want radical left agenda items that nobody in their right mind would approve. They want $25 billion for the post office and $2.5 or $3.5 billion for universal mail-in and $3.5 billion the bill is not going to happen because they don't even wanna talk about it. Because we can't give them the kind of ridiculous things they want to have nothing to do with the China virus and has nothing at all to do with the China virus much of what they are asking for.

Therefore they don't have the money to do the universal mail-in voting so therefore they can't do it I guess. Are they going to do it even though they don't have the money? They are asking for 3.5 billion, They're asking for $25 billion for the post office so they can do this, I guess, I would hope it would be a lot of other things too, but therefore they don't have it. They don't have the money to do the universal mail-in votes.

GUYS. He said it. HE SAID IT OUT LOUD. He is connecting money for the Post Office to the ability of the Post Office to do mail in voting. He flat out gave the game away. He thinks that the post office will somehow refuse to do their job because he is kneecapping them. Does he not realize how hard postal workers work??? How dedicated are to their jobs? Most postal workers do these jobs until retirement. It is not a passing fancy in between other jobs. They will FIND A WAY. Do you ever see postal workers give up because of snow or rain or heat? Or a PANDEMIC? Nope. They show up. 6 days a week and on Sunday for special packages. They will work hard, even with Trump trying to slow them down.

Enraging postal workers is not a good idea, and Donald Trump is going to find that out soon. Presidents and heads of USPS come and go, but postal workers give their blood, sweat, and tears for our country.

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