A woman was caught on video destroying a Black Lives Matter mural in Martinez, California.
The incident was said to have occurred during Saturday's Fourth of July holiday.
Multiple videos of the incident were shared on social media.
The woman, who was wearing an American flag T-shirt, can be seen painting over a Black Lives Matter mural on the street with black paint.
A man wearing a Trump 2020 shirt and a "Make American Great Again" hat insults a bystander in the video.
"No one wants you here," the man says. "No one wants Black Lives Matter here."
"All lives matter, you f*cking punk!" the man adds.
The man, who appears to be assisting the woman, was caught in another video explaining his views on Black Lives Matter.
"This is racism is what it is," he says, pointing at the Black Lives Matter mural. "There is no oppression. There is no racism. It's a leftist lie. It's a lie from the media, the liberal left."
Watch the videos below.
Karen and Bob were celebrating #IndependanceDay by vandalizing #BlackLivesMatter . If you know them please let me know. You also send to @cityofmartinez pic.twitter.com/pfEfZQTTFl
— GOSSIPOFTHECITY (@meetmyracism) July 5, 2020
Yooo!!! This Karen and Chad are defacing a #BlackLivesMatter mural in Martinez, CA. Twitter do your thing. pic.twitter.com/mtuTqtMT8A
— Duane Essence Hall (@SuaveLlave) July 5, 2020
Volunteers spent hours painting a #BlackLivesMatter mural in #Martinez, which was city sanctioned just for it to be vandalized. A woman painted over part of the mural and volunteers said she and a man were yelling “all lives matter.” Volunteers ended up fixing the mural. @KTVU pic.twitter.com/uxwJM0zJaD
— Sara Zendehnam (@szendehnam) July 5, 2020