Ted Cruz Faces Backlash On Line After Suggesting Waiters And Waitresses Are Grifters
Credit: Screengrab
July 27, 2020

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) faced backlash online on Sunday after he suggested restaurant servers are grifting government money instead of working during the coronavirus pandemic.

Cruz made the remarks during an appearance on the CBS program Face the Nation.

“I’ve spoken to small business owners all over the state of Texas who are trying to reopen,” the senator said, “and they are calling their waiters and waitresses, they are calling their bus boys and they won’t come back.”

Cruz added: “And of course they won’t come back because the federal government is paying them in some instances twice as much money to stay home.”

Restaurant servers and their families immediately lashed out at Cruz on Twitter.

Many argued that Cruz should focus his attention on getting wages up instead of attacking wait staff. Others warned Cruz to think twice before eating out next time.

Read some of the comments below.

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