It's ... The Illegal Rendition by Security Forces Edition!
Angry Bear Blog contemplates a Biden victory & a Democratic Senate. Many possibilities.
These people live among you, from Joe. My. God.: "The Clintons Have Been Executed And Trump Will Show It On A WH Pay-Per-View Channel".
We know, of course, Hillary was hung by the neck on the 28th of March. I know Bill Clinton got a firing squad. A bullet in the back. He wouldn’t even face the firing squad, he’s too much of a coward, so he turned to face the wall and they shot him in the back.
Of course.
Having a tough time: mrswhatsit9 at hecatedemeter.
Also grim: The Bastard is touched by the Plague.
Editorial Cartoons Bonus from Hackwhackers.
Thrown together in a hurry (because Cloudfare was down, & w/ it half the iNternet) by Web of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant.