Donald Trump's press secretary seems to believe that if she gives the same non-sequitur response over and over again to explain Trump's support of the confederate flag and bashing of NASCAR for banning it then suddenly it will become true.
Several members of the media asked why Trump is attacking NASCAR for removing Confederate flags and claiming they're losing viewership. They followed up with questions about his insistence that driver Bubba Wallace apologize for something he didn't do.
McEnany kept repeating the same lie over and over again claiming the media was taking Trump out of context and what Trump really meant was that not every NASCAR supporter is a racist.
All Trump had to do was say that but instead he attacked Wallace for what NASCAR reported found in his garage.
And after failing to address the actual questions from the White House press pool she then complained why they kept asking the same question, apparently unable to understand that it's their job, just like it's hers to answer it.
McEnany has no defense for Trump's racism beyond his culture war campaign strategy to try and be reelected, which is all he's got.
Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly referred to Bubba Wallace as Bubba Watson. We regret the error.