July 9, 2020

The most odious Republican Freedom Caucus Congressman is livid that Trump lost his "case" in the conservative laden Supreme Court in both rulings.

Jordan spent years investigating Hillary Clinton over the Benghazi nonsense, and continued his witch hunt over "her emails." He led the way on partisan Republican phony investigations for political gain.

Now Jordan is very worried that Congress might eventually be able to get Trump's tax records?

He told Fox News, "Think about the average American."

The President is not an average American. He/she needs to be transparent with his business holdings.

He continued, "Think about the average American who is terrified of being audited by the IRS. If Congress has the ability to look at Trump's tax returns and everything else... you're talking about Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Maxine Waters auditing the president, I think that’s a terrifying thing..."

it is a terrifying thing for a corrupt politician to be audited, Gym. And no one is suggesting a free-for-all against any sitting president. Just congressional oversight of the executive branch as outlined in The Constitution.

Every presidential candidate since Richard Nixon has released years of tax returns to clear up any possible conflicts of interest they might have as president. But Trump refused to do so even after he promised multiple times that he would.

He first claimed that he would do so after the "federal audit" of his taxes were completed, but that excuse went by the wayside long ago.

He hasn't even proven that his taxes ARE under audit. It's hard to believe that he wouldn't stop an audit by forcing his Treasury Secretary to fix it.

Jim Jordan's whining is rich given that Republicans subpoenaed First Lady Hillary Clinton's Christmas card list in their endless efforts to find dirt.

Their hypocrisy is endless.

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