July 21, 2020

Covidiots abound, and life would be grand if they only harmed themselves, but like drunk drivers, they put us all at risk. In California, where there is a mandate for everyone to wear masks indoors at establishments like Panera Bread, this moron decided not only to defy the mandate, but BLOW on the other customers for good measure.

No one really wants to know what she was talking about at the end, there, about the farting, do they? I could make this the second post today where I use the word "asinine," but I'll refrain.

Here is the text from the Facebook post of the person who took the video, explaining in detail what happened:

This occurred at the Panera Bread (Chico, Calif.) today at noon. The employee behind the counter was very adamant in asking that folks follow California law in that all individuals inside the restaurant will wear a mask, Panera provided her a mask to wear (you can see her holding it with her phone in the video). The employee called security on this customer, who arrived after the customer left. This woman refused to wear a mask, said the pandemic was a hoax, ignored repeated requests from the restaurant manager and customers to wear a mask or leave, and then blew on to my friend and myself before exiting the building. I was very happy with how the Panera Bread employee handled asserting the mandate [edit: it's not a law] but this woman's dangerous and harmful behavior may directly result in additional COVID infections.

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