Toddler-In-Chief Is 'Bored With Coronavirus': Hasn't Spoken To Fauci In Two Weeks
Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images
June 2, 2020

The Toddler in Chief has not met with the Coronavirus Task Force Doctor Anthony Fauci since May 18. Washington Post:

...Critics inside and outside the government see May as another lost month in the administration’s attempts to contain the coronavirus. Trump grew more adrift than ever from governors and health officials, and was defiant and flippant as he encouraged Americans to resume normal routines, even when doing so violated his own administration’s public safety guidelines. He stoked a still-simmering culture war by refusing to wear a face mask in front of cameras, and mocked those who did for being politically correct.

Meanwhile, officials at the state and federal level kept warning of more outbreaks in areas with relaxed guidelines and of a possible fall surge that could lead tens of thousands more Americans to die. Cash-strapped states have strained to build effective contact tracing and testing systems to keep pace with businesses reopening, and to prepare for a second wave. Trump’s claim of a vaccine coming at “warp speed” remains by all accounts an ambition rather than a reality.

Trump’s shifting approach in May had tangible consequences. The White House’s coronavirus task force, which Trump toyed with disbanding in early May, is now mostly idle and has scaled back meetings to once a week. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention became increasingly isolated from the rest of the government, trashed privately by the president and ostracized by the White House. The government’s top infectious-disease expert, Anthony S. Fauci, was largely kept out of the spotlight.

This appears to be a direct result of Dr. Fauci's honesty. Fox News hosts began criticizing Dr. Fauci and tried to blame him for the Trump Adminstration's lackluster and ridiculous response to COVID-19

Unlike Dr. Brix, Dr, Fauci has also been refreshingly candid during those daily campaign events for Trump (AKA task force press conferences) because he refused to sign on to be another medical propagandist.

Doctors have called for a very cautious and careful approach to reopening -- maintaining some stay-at-home orders and imploring Americans to wear face-masks in public -- even when Trump refused to do so.

"I want to protect myself and protect others, and also because I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that's the kind of thing you should be doing," Fauci said during an interview on CNN's "Newsroom."

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