June 24, 2020

During a "Students for Trump" rally in Arizona, Trump went full-on racist again focusing on the "many names" for coronavirus rather than the 120,000 plus deaths it has caused.

During Saturday's complete failure of a campaign rally in Tulsa, Trump referred to the virus as "Kungflu', mocked the severity of the pandemic, and let his racist flag fly.

In Tuesday's press briefing a reporter pressed Kayleigh McEnany on why Trump continues to use racist and offensive language in discussing the virus .

She never claimed he didn't say it, but tried to gaslight the whole idea by blaming the media.

Now McEnany has been replaced (after only two months on the job) by Hogan Gidley and he will not be able to dodge this question any longer.

Trump doesn't give speeches at his campaign rallies. He just goes off on wild tangents for most of his time making up unhinged and vapid stories like a crazy uncle who comes over to your house, drunk on himself.

Trump was describing a town that was infected with "COVID," and then went into his racist dance.

"There's never been anything that has so many names," he said.

"I could give you 19 or 20 names for that, right. It's got all different names. Wuhan — Wuhan was catching on. Coronavirus, right?"

Trump paused and then slowly and clearly said, "Kungflu, yeah?”

His followers went wild.

He shrugged and said, "Kungflu."

Trump continued with his mockery, "COVID, COVID-19, COVID! I said what’s the nineteen? Covid-19? Some people can’t explain what the nineteen.”

Only Trump and his supporters can't explain the nineteen.

And this is seriously demented because he still -- to this day -- doesn't understand why the coronavirus was designated as COVID-19.

This new virus is a coronavirus that was given the name Covid19 because it was discovered in 2019.

Any of the many, many different names that were created for the pandemic was thought up and spewed by the Trump administration as a way of trying to shift the blame from Trump's inadequate and deadly reaction to the virus to China.

Trump continued, "COVID19, I said that's an odd name. I can give you many many names."

“Some people call it the Chinese flu, the China flu, right? They call it the Chin-A as opposed to China. I never seen anything like it," Trump said.

Racists can't help but be racist.

Like so many topics before, we have to believe he doesn't understand WTF he's talking about.

Digby writes about his reasoning behind his continuing ignorance to slow down testing which extends to any topic that he's forced to deal with.

"I have come to believe that Trump is intellectually incapable of understanding this. It’s not just a strategy. The way he talks about it shows that he can only see this in terms of the numbers looking bad for him, that much we know. But I also think he truly doesn’t understand that the cases would exist whether we tested for them or not and that knowing about the cases reduces the spread because people can self-isolate and contact tracers can find those who’ve been exposed. He can’t see this, no matter how many times it’s explained to him."

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