June 27, 2020

The more we see of people like this the easier it is to understand how the United States achieved the worst outbreak of COVID-19 in the world. Too many selfish and ignorant people, aided and abetted by too many selfish and ignorant politicians, chief among them the idiot in the White House who decided it was his God-given right to politicize the wearing of masks.

Source: Towle Road

A woman on opening day of a new Trader Joe’s in North Hollywood, California exploded after being told to wear a mask or leave. The woman threw down her shopping basket, screamed “Democratic pigs!” several times and stormed out. The woman claimed she had a breathing problem but certainly had no problem expelling breath or outrage.

And as for her alleged 'breathing problem' that these liars love to use...we present the lovely and eminently sensible Emily.

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