Someone is grooming Reagan Escude to be the next Tomi Lahren.
She went from this in 2019 this in 2020
Totally victimized! via Glenn Beck. And we don't know who "fired" her but who cares she's now got a job with right-wing mailing list Turning Point USA.
And now she's Twitter famous for being a casual racist idiot, just like Treadmill Lobotomy! Newsweek:
A student at the Trump Rally in Arizona on Tuesday said Aunt Jemima was a "picture of the American Dream."
Reagan Escudé said: "Aunt Jemima was canceled. And if you didn't know, Nancy Green, the original, first Aunt Jemima, she was the picture of the American dream. She was a freed slave who went on to be the face of the pancake syrup that we love and we have in our pantries today."
Twitter gets it. Sure she's racist, stupid, and blind to her own privilege. She's also blond, thin, and spouts "Christian conservative" dogma. She'll have a TV deal before you know it.
Student? She's clearly majoring in self-marketing for that sweet, sweet wingnut dollar. As her so-called president would say, "congratulations!".