June 30, 2020

CNN's New Day had a segment about the sudden spike in virus cases that are leading to a halt in reopenings.

"In the past week, 36 states showing an increase in coronavirus cases, so with the July 4th holiday weekend approaching, many of the states are worried they could see a spike on top of the spike. So many of the states are either hitting the pause button or reverse on their opening plans," Randi Kaye reported.

"More South Florida beaches will be closed this Fourth of July as local leaders watch coronavirus cases surge across the Sunshine State."

We decided to close our beaches this weekend mainly because holiday weekends especially are known for attracting large numbers of people.

"The Florida Department of Health reporting over 5,000 new infections Monday. Still, Governor Ron DeSantis has not made wearing masks mandatory statewide.

We left it to the locals to make decisions about whether they want to use them. We're not going to do that statewide.

"This as Jacksonville joins the list of cities now requiring them in indoor spaces where social distancing is not possible, ahead of hosting the Republican National Convention this August. Beaches in Los Angeles will also be closed this holiday weekend. Health officials citing nearly 3,000 new cases, the highest one-day total ever reported in l.a. county."

This year, we have to think about saving lives.

"California's one of at least 16 states modifying or pausing their reopening plans. And now in Arizona, bars, gyms, movie theaters, and water parks will close for the next 30 days. Gatherings over 50 people are also prohibited. Still, Governor Doug Ducey stopping short of issuing a statewide facial covering requirement."

Our expectation is that next week, our numbers will be worse. It will take several weeks for the mitigations that we have put in place and are putting in place to take effect, but they will take effect.

"New york and New Jersey's governors are looking to stop spikes from happening in their states yet again. In New York City, Broadway will remain dark through the end of the year. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says he's considering slowing the city's reopening, citing some troubling signs of people not following social distancing. Meanwhile, indoor dining in New Jersey is postponed indefinitely."

This isn't a forever and for always. We've gone through hell in New Jersey. We've lost over 13,000 people. We're trying to do everything we can to not go through hell again.

"This morning, one CDC expert warning it may already be too late to control the spread of the disease across the United States."

I think there was a lot of wishful thinking around the country that, hey, summer, everything's going to be fine, we're over this, and we are not even beginning to be over this. We have way too much virus across the country.

"The numbers really are concerning. Consider this, in the past seven days, Miami-Dade county has seen 9,432 cases. The county says that that's about 25% of all the cases during this pandemic that they have recorded in all. So, that is a big number, big increase," Kaye said.

"Miami-Sade says that its goal is to have a positivity rate of about 10%. Meanwhile, in the last two weeks, the average positivity rate has been 17.4%, John. Ao, the numbers certainly there going in the wrong direction."

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