As the plague turns, we bring you the Build That Wall (Around The White House)! Edition.
Video above via Miss Cellania.
Second Amendment contradictions, observed by Responsible Statecraft.
May not be a "center-right country" after all; another long one, from Honest Graft, examining the crisis in conservative confidence.
The American Independent reports that statues of Confederate traitors are disappearing from the South. Money quote:
'Richmond is no longer the capital of the Confederacy,' said the city's mayor.
Vaguely comedic relief in the paranoid right-wing loon category from The Big, Bad & Bald Bastard.
It hasn't come to tanks in the street. Yet. Just a truck transporting National Guardsmen.
Curated by Web of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant. Still time to submit suggestions to