June 25, 2020

CNN's New Day with the latest development in the "jogging while black" murder of Ahmaud Arbery in an Atlanta suburb. A grand jury has indicted Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael and William “Roddie” Bryan Jr. in Arbery’s death.

"A grand jury has indicted three men on murder charges in the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery. The decision comes after prosecutors took three months to press charges initially. CNN's Martin Savidge, who's been covering the story for months and months, live in Cobb County, Georgia, with the very latest," John Berman said.

Savidge said the big surprise was not the indictments, but that they were handed down so quickly during a pandemic.

"Those counts include malicious murder, which is implying that you intended to kill someone. Four counts of felon murder. That's, of course, someone dying in the process of you committing a felony, and four felony counts, including false imprisonment. The district attorney, Joyette Holmes, described it as another step forward in seeking justice for Ahmad," he said.

"The attorney for one of the men, who took the video, said he was surprised his client was indicted. Said he's only been a witness that provided a key piece of evidence. Meanwhile, Ahmaud Arbery's family had this reaction."

I just never want to see them on the streets again, because my son, he is gone and he's not coming back, so they need to see what they've done. And they need to see every day when they wake up and realize what wrong they did. And they got to answer to God for it, because I know they're going to hell for it, because God don't -- God don't uphold stuff like that.

Savidge said if convicted, all three men could face life in prison.

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