Donald Trump and his press secretary have denied that he was ever briefed or even made aware of Russia's assassination program against US troops.
What's worse? That he knew and did nothing or that he didn't know because he didn't give a damn?
The Associated Press and NY Times are now reporting that as early as February 2019, Donald Trump was made aware of the threat in one of his written daily briefings. John Bolton reportedly told colleagues he briefed Trump as well.
The White House came up with a very weak defense to justify his non-actions. And it's the job of Fox and Friends to sell it.
Trump's favorite morning show was in a frenzy this morning trying to downplay Russia's bounty on our soldiers by saying Russia has been supporting the Taliban for years already.
That's absurd. The bounty as reported by New York Times, AP, Wall Street Journal, NBC News, and Fox News is that the bounties started during recent peace talks with the Taliban.
Of the three propagandists, Ainsley really went the extra mile.
“This is not anything new,” Earhardt said. "The point here is: if it is not verified by our 16 intelligence agencies, that’s their job, that’s what they do -- it doesn’t get to the president’s desk.”
Remember when all U.S. intelligence services reported that Russia hacked the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win? And remember when Trump took Putin's side in Helsinki, which was was called a disgrace and a betrayal by many?
"I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said.
Even the Christian Broadcast Network's David Brody attacked Trump for his performance and called it Helstinky.
Earhardt then claimed that if the intelligence wasn't accurate then Trump would have made things worse.
Steve Doocy then reminded her that The New York Times reported that the intel was in a written briefing for Trump that was presented to him on February 27th.
Earnhardt's jumped in, “All presidents don’t read all of their briefings.”
Really? That's the best you got, Ainsley?
When a hostile foreign country puts a bounty on US soldiers, even if some intel agencies differ, it's impossible it would be skipped over in a briefing, even if Trump only reads in crayons.
This is actually their job at Fox and Friends now: to voice a cover-up for the failing so-called president. And it couldn't happen to a more craven trio.