A couple of politicos, a Democrat and a Republican, mentioned the poll today in their Bangor Daily News column. I've never heard of the polling outfit but they seem to know it. Here's a link via 538 if you want to peruse the crosstabs. Noticeably, Collins is down 20 (!) among women, and 9 among independents.
Source: Bangor Daily News
Ethan: Did you take a look at the new poll on the U.S. Senate race I just sent? It shows U.S. Sen. Susan Collins losing 51 percent to 42 percent to House Speaker Sara Gideon!
Phil: A-yuh. Sobering news for Susan. However, I caution you, my excitable friend, that this is merely a momentary snapshot six months before Election Day.
Ethan: I wish Election Day was today! For our readers, the poll was done by a joint left/right partnership. Commissioned by “Swing Hard. Run Fast. Turn Left!” a decidedly progressive organization I run, but conducted by Victory Geek, a non-partisan data and telecom provider with mostly conservative clients.