By the time you read this, America will have lost over 100,000 souls and later today we will know the latest unemployment numbers as Corporate America and small businesses close down in the wake of the incomprehensible damage from Covid-19 and the negligence and incompetence of that golfing fool, Prznint Stupid. Today we look at the Miracle of the Trump Economy, from the number of closed businesses to the gig workers eking out an existence, to systemic economic injustice. Let's put on our masks and go shopping!
Crazy Eddie's Motie's News tells us about the death of retail.
Angry Bear addresses small business and advises us to not confuse social justice with equally distributed injustice.
Longreads has a long read on Instacart.
Progressive Eruptions makes a modest proposal. I second it!
Bonus Track: We can still have nice things: Open Culture tells us that JKRowling is publishing her new children's novel free online, and one chapter per day!
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with For MBRU in the subject line).