May 11, 2020

Joy Reid introduced a segment with Jill Wine-Banks about Bill Barr's shocking decision to drop charges against Michael Flynn.

"Here is Adam Schiff on Thursday on All In talking about this," she said.

SCHIFF: What this will mean as a practical matter is in courtrooms all across the country, where prosecutors are bringing legitimate cases, juries will wonder: Is this really a valid case or is this Bill Barr's Justice Department once again acting politically and not in the interest of justice? So he's undermining his own people around the country, and at the same time it is a continuation of the same kind of political patronage now in the Justice Department that Donald Trump has brought about.

And Speaker Pelosi issued a statement saying that Barr's politicization of the Justice Department knows no bounds, Michael Flynn pleaded guilty, now attorney general Barr's Justice Department is dropping the case to continue the cover-up for the president," Reid said to Jill Wine-Banks.

"Are you surprised there have not been massive number of resignations from the Department of Justice?"

"I am not surprised that there aren't more. I am proud there are so many," Wine-Banks said.

"No prosecutor who is a career prosecutor has been involved in this. Both in terms of the Stone sentencing, prosecutors withdrew, in terms of this, prosecutors withdrew. I think something that both David and Michael said is really true, this is an attempt to dismantle the institutions of our government, it is to dismantle the Department of Justice, the FBI, it is dismantling anything that had to do with the Russia investigation, the Mueller probe.

"That's what this is really all about. It is not just about doing injustice by getting one particular defendant off. But it does send a message that no one should trust the Department of Justice and the FBI. And those are serious, long-lasting threats to our democracy. So it is really terrible. I think you're going to be seeing former members of the Department of Justice speaking out on this once again because we see so many times that Barr has really endangered democracy and justice.

"So watch for that to come," she said.

"Absolutely," Reid said. "They will all live in infamy and you cannot unimpeach the president. He was -- he will remain impeached throughout history."

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