May 30, 2020

The death of Breonna Taylor continues to resonate in Louisville, with more protests and more arrests. The police there aren't doing themselves any favors either, now shooting at news crews.

Source: Daily Mail

Kentucky police shot non-lethal pepper balls at a local TV news reporter and her film crew while they were covering a protest in downtown Louisville on Friday amid nationwide outrage over the police-involved deaths of George Floyd.

The incident was captured live on the air by WAVE-TV reporter Kaitlin Rust.

Rust is heard on the air letting out a scream indicating that she had been shot.

‘I’m getting shot!’ she said.

The news anchor from inside the studio asks Rust if she’s ok, to which she replies: ‘Rubber bullets, rubber bullets.’

‘It’s okay, it’s those pepper bullets,’ she said.

When one of the news anchors asks Rust who the officers were aiming at, she replies: ‘At us! Directly at us!’

The video camera then focuses on an officer armed with what appears to be an FTC semi-automatic pepper ball launcher.

The news anchors were startled at the fact that the officer was firing the pepper balls in the direction of the reporter and her crew.

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