Trying and failing to make a joke at a formerly gravely ill person's expense is just the latest Trump atrocity du jour.
April 15, 2020

The Oval Office Squatter's level of empathy continues to astonish, as he met with survivors of COVID-19 on Tuesday. No, he did not visit them, he had people recovering from grave illness make the trip to see him, at the White House.

One woman described her ordeal, which lasted weeks, first with fever, then the awful respiratory illness.

VISITOR: It came in waves. I had three, probably, different waves, and tested positive again after a month. I am negative now. The first symptoms were [March] ninth, I didn’t test negative until five days ago.

Trump seemed shocked it lasted a month, and when he asked her how she was feeling, she told him she felt great. But when he got more specific, her answer brought out his obscene lack of awareness of situational appropriateness.

TRUMP: How are you now? Would you say 100%?

VISITOR: I would say 85.

TRUMP: Eh, stay away from me, please. Stay away! Keep her away!

Isn't that just the way you'd want your president speaking to the survivor of a deadly pandemic? Someone who has just spent weeks in isolation, no less. Even just as a joke? How sensitive! How adorable, to make yourself the focus by saying something "funny" like that! What a classy, selfless bag of human waste he is!

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