Another day, another interminable press briefing by President PutinPoodle filled with lies and contempt towards people trying to save people from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this enlightening (/sarcasm) exchange, we have CNN's Jim Acosta asking if doctors advised against Trump's arbitrary deadline for "re-opening" the country on May 1st, would he listen to them?
Okay, whatever, that Trump was non-answer no. 1. Then, Acosta went in for the follow-up, which had Trump tap-dancing as fast as he could into change-the-subject-to-blaming-Obama territory, it would make your head spin.
TRUMP: I can only say this, I have tremendous respect for these people and we've done very well and when you look at us compared to others, we're a big nation. When you look at us compared to others and see how we've taken testing from a broken system that I inherited to having the best tests that anyone's made anywhere in the world and other countries are calling us, wanting to use our technology, I have great respect for these people. I'm never saying bad about these people.
Yeah, he'll never say anything bad about them, he'll just disregard their advice when it's not useful to his agenda. And he sure as sh*t isn't gonna tell his attack dog, pillow-talk media pals to lay off. Why would he? He needs them to convince his base that he is still worth voting for — even though he's killing them.