April 26, 2020

In one of those bonehead-stories-of-the-week we present to you Mayor Becky Ames of Beaumont, Texas.

Source: NBC News

The mayor of a southern Texas city apologized for violating her own stay-at-home order after a photo surfaced on social media of her at a nail salon.

The trip Tuesday by Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames to the closed salon has sparked an investigation by the district attorney.

In the image, the mayor is seen wearing a face mask as she's seated at a table with her hands in a bowl of water. According to NBC affiliate KBMT in Beaumont, the photo was taken at The Nail Bar.

Multiple calls by NBC News to the salon on Saturday were not immediately returned.

The photo sparked backlash from people who criticized the mayor for disobeying her order in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. On Thursday, Ames issued an apology saying she had a "lapse in judgment."

"I promise there was no malice intended," she wrote in a statement. "I should never have entered the salon last Tuesday. I did not intend to take personal privilege while asking others to sacrifice and for that I am truly remorseful."

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