April 13, 2020

We're used to Trump's lackeys making horse's asses of themselves in the national media but seldom do we see such an easy slam dunk as this one by CBS's 60 Minutes as we saw last night. The final coup de grâce with Dr Fauci, from 2005, would shame any other administration but not this one. Just par for the course from this pack of pathological liars.

Source: The Guardian

Trump’s coronavirus tsar Peter Navarro defended the administration’s pandemic response on CBS on Sunday night, angrily challenging his hosts to show him how they had covered pandemic preparations under previous administrations.

“I challenge you,” said Navarro, “show me the 60 Minutes episode a year ago, two years ago, or during the Obama administration, during the Bush administration that said, ‘Hey, global pandemic’s coming, you gotta do X, Y and Z, and, by the way, we gotta shut down the economy to fight it.

“Show me that episode. Then you’ll have some credence in terms of attacking the Trump administration for not being prepared.”

60 Minutes duly ran clips from a 2009 feature on the fight against H1N1, or swine flu – “a pandemic, meaning it’s a global epidemic, the first flu pandemic in 41 years” – and a 2005 section on H5N1, or avian flu, which the show said had “the potential to cause an influenza pandemic similar to the one that killed 50 million people in 1918”.

The 2005 piece included an interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who is now a leading public health expert in the Trump White House, under increasing fire from the president.

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