April 5, 2020

A churchgoer in Ohio told CNN that she is attending services during the coronavirus pandemic because she is “covered in Jesus’ blood” and can’t be infected.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” the woman told CNN’s Gary Tuchman from her car as she was leaving church services.

“Aren’t you worried you could impact other people if you get sick inside?” the CNN reporter asked.

“No, I’m covered in Jesus’ blood,” the woman replied. “I’m covered in Jesus’ blood!”

“There are other people who don’t go to this church who you might infect,” Tuchman noted.

“I go to the grocery store every day!” the woman exclaimed. “I’m in Walmart, Home Depot. Look at those people. They could get me sick!”

“But they’re not because I’m covered in his blood,” she added before driving off.

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