In an effort to protect the public, attorneys, court staff, and judges from the health risks associated with COVID-19, the Wisconsin courts have issued orders temporarily suspending in-person proceedings statewide, with certain limited exceptions.
Yes, those are the same Wisconsin courts that just refused to allow Gov. Tony Evers to postpone today's primary election because of the pandemic. Their ruling was upheld by SCOTUS in a blatantly political decision reminiscent of Bush v. Gore.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in her dissent, "The Court's order requires absentee voters to postmark their ballots by election day, April 7--i.e, tomorrow--even if they did not receive their ballots by that date. That is a novel requirement."
And this being Wisconsin, it's all about preserving the Republican majority on the state Supreme Court. They want to force the election because they want the low turnout. They assume it will help them win the most important race on the ballot, that state supreme court seat.