Elections have consequences. Just imagine how much better we'd be managing the covid-19 crisis if Hillary Clinton were president now. Whatever flaws one may attribute to her, there's no doubt she'd be vastly more competent and engaged than Trump, and thousands of lives -- perhaps far more -- would have been saved that will now be lost. Remember that, when November comes. No one in 2016 foresaw covid-19, and we today don't know what the next four years will bring. We'll be far better off with a Democrat, not Trump, dealing with it.
Billablog: Turns out nobody misses John Galt.
The Professor's Convatorium: Texas is known for its independent spirit. This just isn't the time.
The Daily Irritant: Helping to thin the herd.
The Rectification of Names: On the possibility that covid-19 might lead to progress on health-care reform.
Blog round-up by Infidel753. To recommend a post, send link to mbru [at] crooksandliars [dot] com -- I do check it!