Remember 24 long hours ago, when Donald Trump threatened to use a never-before exercised provision in the Constitution to adjourn Congress himself because he was in a bad mood about his appointments not getting through the Senate fast enough? Well, believe it or not, the most dangerous man in America, the self-annointed "Grim Reaper" of all legislation sent to him by the House, pushed back. Nicolle Wallace reported on Mitch McConnell's reaction today.
(video clip)
TRUMP: Whether it's Russia, Russia, Russia, or whether it's impeachment hoax or whatever it may be, it's always roadblocks and a waste of time. If the House will not agree to that adjournment, I will exercise my Constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress. The current practice of leaving town while conducting phony pro forma sessions is a dereliction of duty that the American people cannot afford during this crisis.
(end video clip)
"Where'd ya see that, big guy, Breitbart?" Wallace quipped, as she went on to read the statement from McConnell's office:
Unfortunately, the fact that Trump's approval rating is down doesn't help his handling of this disaster, and it doesn't stop McConnell from using the pandemic to enact his horrific agenda. So all this proves is that McConnell doesn't like it when Trumpy Bear steps on his toes. Because while Trump is more and more amenable to screaming his lust for totalitarian power from the mountaintops, McConnell prefers not to say that quiet part out loud. But if Trump's batsh*t proclamations threaten his power, you can be sure McConnell will speak up.