Donald Trump's brand of crazy during his Coronavirus "briefings" has morphed from moronic braggadocio and the airing of his grievances, to endangering the lives of the American people.
There was a sea change in the national conversation when Trump reported that ingesting disinfectants and somehow getting light inside the body might kill the coronavirus. Since then, the nightly pandemic pressers have been canceled or re-framed and moved outside.
Fox news sycophants made believe Trump didn't actually want you to drink Lysol, and that he didn't say what he said, but they are paid to lie for Trump.
After getting hammered for his remarks, his new faux press secretary told Fox News his words were "taken out of context." Sure, Kayleigh.
Then Donald tried to make believe he was just kidding around to get a rise from the media, speaking "sarcastically," but if you watch his remarks in their entirety -- and the reaction of the face of Dr. Birx -- you know he was being serious.
Governors Hogan and Whitmer explained how calls on ingesting disinfectants went through the roof after Trump made those comments.
Enter Howard Stern -- who did not hold back.
"Let him volunteer," Stern said.
“Hold a big rally, say f—k this coronavirus, with all of his followers, and let them hug each other and kiss each other and have a big rally.”
Then Stern suggested making it a "dark cocktail party.“
Robin Quivers said, "A big cocktail of disinfectant.“
Howard agreed and said, "They'll all take disinfectant, and all drop dead."
An incredible amount of right wing provocateurs, pundits, and the White House are attacking the idea of self-quarantining, claiming "the cure is worse than the disease," and even hyping fraudulent remedies.
They should be the ones to test and experiment on their lamebrain ideas..
Yesterday Trump refused to even acknowledge his role in the uptick in people ingesting these poisons.
A reporter said states have seen a "spike of people using disinfectants after your comments last week."
Trump replied, "I can't imagine why, I can't imagine why."
"Take any responsibility -- " the reporter asked?
"No, I can't imagine it..." Trump said moving on to another reporter.
Trump never takes responsibility for anything he says or does, ever.
He's an incompetent narcissist who is making the American people more frightened and less safe than they were even a week ago.