Here's a thing that happened Saturday which makes me want to verbally slap Franklin Graham until he begs for mercy and sees the light. During an interview with "Judge" Jeanine Pirro, Franklin "I worship no god but Trump" Graham pronounced the coronavirus as God's revenge on a fallen world.
If he's talking about Trump's revenge, maybe. Trump is too self-absorbed and incompetent for this disaster to be called "revenge," but it is certainly the case that his bungling of this pandemic will cause the blood of many to be on his hands.
If, on the other hand, he is speaking of the vengeful God of Graham's invention, then no. This pandemic is not some kind of cosmic revenge for sin. It's a thing that happens every 100 years or so. See 1918's influenza epidemic for reference.
When Pirro asked Graham how God could allow this to happen, he was there with the glib and incorrect answer. “Well, I don’t think it’s God’s plan for this to happen. It’s because of the sin that’s in the world,” Graham said. “Man has turned his back on God, we have sinned against him, and we need to ask for God’s forgiveness and that’s what Easter’s all about.”
Which actually has nothing to do with the fact that a virus is ravaging the people of the earth at the moment, a virus which is a "novel" virus, for which humans have no immunity built up.
Nevertheless, Graham persisted in emphasizing the story of Easter, which again, has nothing to do with a global pandemic.
"This pandemic, this is the result of a fallen world," he insisted. "A world that has turned its back on God.”
Franklin, you ignorant nut. This pandemic is the result of a piss-poor lack of planning, a lackluster response, and a mutated virus that we don't even fully understand yet.
But again, it all depends on which god you're going to worship, Frank. Easter is a story of redemption, not condemnation.
Unless your god is Donald Trump.
(h/t Mediaite)